
As a family-run business set in the heart of the British countryside, at Warren Farm we have always understood the importance of the natural world around us.
We strive to make positive changes each year to reduce our environmental impact and improve wildlife conservation.
Here are a few of the things that we do as part of our sustainability efforts:
Energy and Water
- All the electricity used on the park is carbon neutral
- Sensors are used instead of switches in our customer facilities to ensure lights aren’t left on
- Low energy LED lightbulbs are used throughout the park
- We have installed low energy heat exchangers to heat and cool public areas
- EV charging points are situated around the park for customer use
- We currently have two electric staff vehicles, with more of our older petrol/ diesel vehicles to be replaced with electric in the near future
- We continue to upgrade our groundskeeping machinery, such as hedge trimmers, from petrol to electric
- Rinnai boilers are installed in our public facilities. These out-perform almost all other boilers for efficiency and create zero emissions
- Sensors have been added to our public urinals to save water
- Our washing machines have been replaced with Electrolux, the most efficient washing machine on the market (they weigh the clothes to work out how much water to use)
- We use eco-friendly anti-freeze for the winter drain downs (vegetable-based EC02)
- Wildflower borders have been planted along the banks of our fields, which are great for bees, butterflies and bugs!
- We plant additional shrubs and hedgerows every year (As part of our park redevelopment, 5515 plants and shrubs have been planted over the past five years, plus 32,062 willow whips, creating 1125 metres of hedging)
- There are numerous copses around our farmland to provide shelter for wild deer
- Our three-acre fishing lake is teeming with wildlife and even has an untouched ‘wildlife island’. There is new signage to help customers to spot a wonderful variety of fish and birds that make the lake their home
- We are currently introducing a beehive on our Farm Walk
- There are six wildlife ponds on our Farm Walk, which are home to a myriad of pondlife, including frogs, dragonflies and newts
- Along our Farm Walk you can stroll along the bank of the River Axe. This trail forms part of Natural England’s national coastal path, an ambitious project that aims to allow right of way for walkers along the entire coastline of England
- There are 12 recycling areas around the park, with clearly marked bins for general waste, dry mixed recycling (plastic, tins, paper and cardboard) and glass
- All of the picnic benches, fishing platforms and many of our fences are made of recycled plastic
- In the near future, we plan to install drinking fountains around the park to encourage customers to refill reusable water bottles instead of disposable, single-use plastic bottles
- We have changed to paper straws in all of our venues
- There is a small charge for plastic bags in our shops to encourage the use of reusable ‘bags for life’
- We collect and recycle any unused metal
- We crush our own brick/stone to re-use for under roadways
- We have switched to ‘paperless’ methods in our offices where possible, including introducing electronic bookings, bills and invoices
Supporting local
- We hire up to 100 people from the local community. Many of our staff live on-site, share lifts or cycle to work
- We regularly host fundraising events and have donated funds to local charities
- Our staff complete jobs for the good of the local area, such as digging out the beach footpaths and cutting the church hedgerows
- The Beachcomber provides delicious, affordable family meals using a range of local suppliers including Ploughman’s butchers in Axbridge
- Ice ‘n’ Cold is a traditional ice-cream parlour serving Somerset-based Marshfield Farm ice-cream (Bath)
- Our two on-site convenience stores use a number of local food suppliers, including Maisey’s Bakery in Highbridge, Westcroft Farm in Berrow (for eggs), Westcountry Foods (for fruit and veg), Clark’s sausage rolls in Bristol and local butcher Thorner’s of Somerset.
- We use local contractors for any specialist maintenance work required
What can you do?
- Please help us to do our bit by sorting your waste and recycling accordingly
- Littering can hurt local wildlife and even end up in our waterways so please always take your rubbish away with you until you find a bin. Why not go one step further and pick up any litter you see when at the beach?
- The two-minute shower challenge! Our showers are free, but can you wash without having to pull the cord for a second time? Reducing water usage will dramatically reduce your carbon footprint
Together we can make a difference!